Portfolio Analysis
Nothing contained in this site constitutes a solicitation or offer by any member of the Amundi to provide any investment advice or service or to purchase or sell any financial instruments. The information it contains aims to inform the subscriber by providing information on the UCITS supplemental to that appearing in the Information Memorandum. The material provided on this site is presented as of the date shown and "as is". Amundi does not expressly or impliedly warrant the accuracy of the information provided on this site and expressly disclaims any warranties of fitness of this site for any particular purpose. This material reflects the opinion of the management company at the date of printing. The material is based upon information that we consider reliable, but we do not represent it is accurate, complete, valid or timely and it should not be relied on as such for any particular purpose. Any subscription should be based solely on the Information Memorandum provided to subscribers prior to the subscription and/or available upon request.
Institutional Sub-Class (Sub-Class I): Shares of this sub-class are only available to institutionals subscribing for their own account or within the framework of a collective savings or any comparable scheme, as well as UCITS. As such this Sub-Class benefits from the reduced "taxe d abonnement" of 0,01%. The minimum investment in this Sub-Class is USD 500,000.
Classic Sub-Class (Sub-Class C): Share of this sub-class are available to all investors. There is no minimum investment requirement in this sub-class.
Source : Amundi
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